My Tuesday Wedding

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Four Things Every Wedding Dress Label Should Have


Every gown has a label, and every label provides you with important information. According to the Association of Wedding Gown Specialists, there are four pieces of information that every label should have.

This information is pertinent to the care and attention each gown can and should receive during its tenure with you. Those details will also assist your gown specialist to provide the utmost care during the cleaning.

  1. Identification Code

    Every wedding gown starts somewhere and in this case, it starts at the store. The label should clearly articulate the name of the business and a special code. This will allow you to contact the store of any questions or concerns arise.

  2. The Fabric

    Knowing the fabric of your gown is of absolute importance. The fabric will dictate how it’s treated. Fibres act differently with various solvents. As a result, this detail will come in handy if you ever need to do emergency treatment.

  3. Homeland

    Your gown must communicate the country from which it originated. It can be several countries or it could be one. Either way, you’ll need that information to contact the manufacturer if necessary.

  4. Laundry Symbols

    It needs to have at least one symbol to delineate the kind of care needed while handling the dress. At what temperature should it be washed? At what temperature should it be dried? These are the types of questions your gown label should answer.

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My Tuesday Wedding specializes in the cleaning, restoration, preservation and alterations of wedding dresses. Call us at 604 374 3446 for a free personal consultation.