Blog: Best Flowers for a Summer Wedding (Part 1)

Spring flew by, but summer is here to stay. At least for now. No need to worry though. My Tuesday Wedding, your #1 Wedding Dress Cleaner in Vancouver, knows all the best flowers for a summer wedding. Here are your first six:

Baby’s Breath

Baby’s Breath

Baby's Breath

Love, purity and innocence are just a few of the words that come to mind when we think of Baby's Breath. This small, delicate flower is perfect for wedding arrangements. The most popular colour is pink, but there are beautiful light yellow varieties too.

Bird of Paradise

Bird of Paradise

Bird of Paradise

This flower is the official celebratory symbol of the 9th wedding anniversary. Like its name to the Bird of Paradise, this summer flower symbolizes flight. In other words, it signifies freedom, joy and optimism. It can also represent royalty, success and magnificence.

Calla Lily

Calla Lily

Calla Lily

Remember when we told you that Calla Lilies come in a bunch of different, fun colours? Bright yellow and orange Calla lilies represent happiness, maturity, and transformation. Lavender and light blue convey virtues of elegance, beauty and gratitude. Dark purple represents regality and power. Finally, pink ones signify love and flirtation, while dark red ones mean passion and desire.




Do you love your partner? Are you fascinated by their kindness, beauty and devotion? Do they stand out from the crowd of those who came before them? Of course, they do. That's why this flower represents love, fascination and distinction. No wonder this was the official flower of a secret admirer in Victorian culture.




This flower is a handful, and we're not just talking about the name. Known for symbolizing loyalty and devotion to your spouse, Chrysanthemum also represents lasting friendship.




In our previous blog, "Best Flowers for a Spring Wedding (Part 2)," we told you how the Dahlia has fourteen different types. Each type has a different meaning. Red Dahlias mean influence and durability, pink and purple Dahlias represent compassion and elegance, white Dahlias symbolize focus and purity and finally, blue and green Dahlias signify new beginnings.

You'll recognize the Bird of Paradise, Calla Lily and Dahlia flowers from Best Flowers for a Spring Wedding - Part 1 and Part 2. Flowers available in both spring and summer are available for approximately six months of the year. Enjoy it while it lasts!